Release Notes


Major improvements

  • Support for temporal and spatial composite sites

  • Editing of remotely sourced data (ODK, ONA, etc.)

  • Support of self-registration of organizations during sign-up process

Minor improvements

  • Export adjustment to reflect admin 0 corresponding to country level

  • Inclusion of the map name in navigation breadcrumb

  • Site symbology improved

  • Snapping point of sites always displayed

  • The metadata of features available in the map viewer and editor

Processing improvements

  • Treatment plants and closed sites are handled in processing

  • Processing takes into account bridges when available on OSM

  • Improved river burning algorithm

Known issues

  • Group managers currently don’t have access to the user management interface to manage their group


Major improvements

  • Exports of sites, maps and labs from the catalog and the workspace in different formats

  • Exports of layers from the map viewer and the map editor in GeoJson

  • Exports of draft sites from the site viewer

  • A global search was incorporated

  • FABDEM added as another elevation source

  • Workspace table harmonized with Catalog table

  • Site symbology harmonized across the application

Minor improvements

  • Copy coordinates from clicking on the map

  • Copy button for coordinates on pop-ups

  • Various visual improvements

  • Addition of a tutorial video

  • Individual site listing in the map editor and map viewer

  • Direction switching tool for rivers and sewage lines

Known issues

  • Closed sites (either having the “Closed” status or a non-null “Closed” date) have no catchment delineated

  • Attempts to dynamically delineate the catchment of a draft site in the site creation helper will result in processing errors with no proper feedback

  • Some styling issues remain on the map editor

  • Set extent button is not active unless you change the extent of the rectangle

  • Snapping is active by default, while toggle says otherwise

  • Registration without selecting an organization can get user into limbo state

  • Treatment plants do still have catchments

  • Sorting the catalog/workspace tables on certain criteria does not work as intended


The release notes for v4.0 are this entire documentation.

Known issues

  • Multiple draft sites selection actions are not active

  • Admin information about approval date are not correct

  • Set extent button is not active unless you change the extent of the rectangle

  • Snapping is active by default, while toggle says otherwise

  • Map version / dates are not correct

  • Registration without selecting an organization can get user into limbo state

  • Map information on the catalog may not correspond to the latest map version

  • Clusters not working after importing sites sources

  • Map jumps when moving between the map viewer and the map editor

  • Treatment plants do still have catchments.

  • ODK, ONA and WebIFA features that are hidden will not be ignored during processing if they are not hidden together with other changes. The issue can be circumvented by adding for instance another source (could be empty).